Welcome Strong On Peace Supporters. We really hope you will find something
here you like and join US in supporting Peace through fashion.
Thank you for your support.

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Strong on Peace

My name is Omar Green and I came up with the phrase Strong On Peace back in 1994 while living in Oceanside CA. With the help of a couple of friends, we created some t-shirts. Gang activity and drugs were a big thing in the streets where I grew up and this would be the path I would take. In 2003 I moved to Winston-­Salem, NC to be around family and try to get my life together. In 2006, I got a job at Costco. In 2014, a good friend from California found one of the original Strong on Peace t shirts and sent it to me. I hadn't forgotten about Strong On Peace and seeing it on a t-shirt again got me excited about the dream I had back in 1994. That dream was to see people around the world supporting peace through fashion. I told my idea to a friend of mine at work, Alvin Ross, who thought it was a great idea and wanted to be a part of it. With the support of my family and this new partnership, Strong on Peace was reborn.

Omar Green- ogreen1969@gmail.com

Alvin Ross​- alvinkross@aol.com